For some, this pain is transient, but unfortunately for others, it can linger. These exercises may bring some relief. Further interventions may also be recommended to sufferers if these do not provide enough relief. Speak to your dentist if you require further support.
Background information
Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) is one of the most commonly used joints in your skull. The joints connect your jawbone to your skull. Your TMJ is engaged each time you swallow, chew, and talk.
Temporomandibular disorders occur when something has affected your jaw joints and jaw muscles. Often, this happens because of overuse while unknowingly grinding your teeth while you sleep. Other causes could be if you have had a jaw injury or inflammation, such as with arthritis.
TMJ disorders may cause mild to debilitating symptoms as:
Exercises for TMJ pain relief
These exercises may offer permanent or temporary pain relief as they can strengthen and stretch jaw muscles, relax jaw tension or increase joint mobility. Your dentist may massage or manually manipulate your jaw to stretch and strengthen muscles as part of diagnosis and treatment. You may also be asked to complete the following exercises at home.
Relaxed jaw exercise
Chin tuck movements
Partial Mouth opening exercises
Alternatively, using two hands, place one finger on each TMJ as you drop your lower jaw halfway and close again.
Full mouth opening exercises
Alternatively, using two hands, place one finger on each TMJ as you completely drop your lower jaw and back. Repeat this exercise 6 times to complete one set. You should complete one set 6 times a day.
Resisted opening of the mouth
Resisted closing of the mouth
Side-to-side jaw movements
As the exercise becomes easier, stack more props on top of each other to increase thickness.
Forward jaw movement
Over time, increase the object’s thickness by stacking more props between your teeth.
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